Your yearly salary: (no commas)

Select the affected body part.

Arm (312)
Fourth Finger (15)
Hearing Loss: 2 Ears (200)
Penis (205)
Hand (244)
Leg (288)
Tongue (160)
Testicle (52)
Thumb (75)
Foot (205)
Eye (160)
Ovary/Fallopian Tube (52)
First Finger (46)
Great Toe (38)
Larynx (160)
Uterus/Cervix (205)
Second Finger (30)
Other Toes (16)
Lung (156)
Vulva/Vagina (205)
Third Finger (25)
Hearing Loss: 1 Ear (52)
Breast (52)
Kidney (156)

(OWCP calculates schedule awards using a set number of weeks pay for different body parts.)

Select the affected body part.

Arm (312)
Breast (52)
Eye (160)
First Finger (46)
Foot (205)
Fourth Finger (15)
Great Toe (38)
Hand (244)
Hearing Loss: 1 Ear (52)
Hearing Loss: 2 Ears (200)
Kidney (156)
Larynx (160)
Leg (288)
Lung (156)
Other Toes (16)
Ovary/Fallopian Tube (52)
Penis (205)
Second Finger (30)
Testicle (52)
Third Finger (25)
Thumb (75)
Tongue (160)
Uterus/Cervix (205)
Vulva/Vagina (205)

(OWCP calculates schedule awards using a set number of weeks pay for different body parts.)

Percent of Impairment: %

Federal Work Comp

• Getting Your Claim Accepted

• Getting Treatment

• Adding Consequential Conditions

• Getting Paid for Your Time Off Work

• Workplace Accommodations

• OWCP Forms and Reports

• Schedule Award Impairment Ratings

Schedule Award Calculator (This Page)

• Harassment & Video Surveillance Assistance

• Federal Medical Disability Retirement FERS

VA Disability


• Getting Your VA Claims Accepted

• Adding Consequential Conditions

• Fair Disability Rating Percentages

Unfortunately, few doctors understand the VA disability criteria for determining if a medical condition is service connected or how to correctly rate the disability percentage. It is OK, if you don't have medical records from when you were in military service. Tell us your medical history & we provide an expert medical opinion that becomes your medical record.

Legal Medicine

• Social Security Disability

• Personal Injury

• State Work Comp

• Disability Insurance

The lack of Legal Medicine training can result in doctors being unconsciously biased against injured patients. It is difficult to find a doctor to treat injured patients with fairness and compassion. An untrained doctor's medical report can cause harm to patients and confusion to our legal system. Our medical expertise can help you with your injury claims.


Checklist Federal Workers' Compensation

A complete checklist of the steps needed for a successful claim.

Right to select your physician

You have the absolute right to select your physician.

Schedule Awards

Helpful information about applying for this benefit

Federal Employees Retirement (FERS)

All about FERS medical disability.

Medical Travel Payments

OWCP pays for transportation to obtain medical treatment

Supervisors Delaying Claims

Your completed form is to be sent to OWCP within 10 working days after is received.

OWCP Nurse Case Managers

Nurse Case Managers: Helpful or Hindrance.

Video Surveillance-Activities of Daily Living

Video Surveillance and Federal Workers' Compensation.

Video Surveillance-Physician's Protocol

Requirements to Present a Video for Physician Review.

Employee Protected Health Information

Your medical status and OWCP.

Unlawful Collection for Medical Treatment

Unlawful Collection for Medical Treatment

Getting Fair VA Disability Decisions

Ellis Clinic loves helping our vets.

Form CA-1 Suggestions

Doc Ellis' suggestions on completing the CA-1 Form.

Form CA-2 Suggestions

Doc Ellis' suggestions on completing the CA-2 Form.

Form CA-2a Suggestions

Doc Ellis' suggestions on completing the CA-2a Form.

Form CA-7 Suggestions

Doc Ellis' suggestions on completing the CA-7 Form.

VA Medical Report Example

A report with several injuries and conditions with ratings and percentages

VA Range of Motion Worksheet

With VA normal ranges of motion plus Spinal Rating Codes and Percentages

Index to VA Disability Benefits Questionnaires (DBQ)

VA worksheets with requirements for a medical report

C&P Service Clinician's Guide

Additional VA instructions and worksheets

VA Schedule for Rating Disabilities

VA Diagnosis Codes and Rating Percentages

Dept. of Labor: Provider Search

Dept. of Labor: Provider Search

Employee's Guide to Reporting Work-Related Injuries or Disease

Department of Justice's Employee's Guide to Reporting Work-Related Injuries or Disease

ECOMP Brochure

Employee's Compensation Operations and Management Portal Brochure

Department of Labor's ECOMP Portal

Employee's Compensation Operations & Management Portal

Compensation Forms and their Purposes

DOL's Official Compensation Forms and their Purposes

How to Cover Injury-Related Absences.

Continuation Of Pay for Absences Incurred from Work-Related Traumatic Injury

NASA Explains the Benefits Available Under FECA

Employee Rights and Responsibilities for Work-Related Traumatic Injury [Updated 10/25/2017]

Supervisors and their Responsibilities

Dept. of the Interior Explains What is Required of Superviousors After an Employee Has Been Injured

Department of Labor's Overview of Federal Employees' Compensation

When Injured at Work Information Guide for Federal Employees

OWCP's Fillable Forms Online

Office of Workers' Compensation Program's Forms in Fillable Format

OWCP Overview [May 2015]

Department of Labor OWCP-DFEC Overview [May 2015]

The Miss Handling OWCP Forms

The Office of Inspecter General's Investigation of the Postal Service's Handling of Office of Workers' Compensation Program Claim Forms

FECA - Frequently Asked Questions according to the DOL

Federal Employees' Compensation Act — Frequently Asked Questions

Federal Workers' Compensation / OWCP

Injury claim information and appointment protocol for injured Federal Employees.

Federal Employee Retirement Sys. / FERS

Injury claim information and appointment protocol for FERS Medical Disability appointments.

VA Disability Rating

Injury claim information and appointment protocol for a VA disability exams.

Social Security Disability

Injury claim information required for a Social Security Disability appointment.

State Workers' Compensation

Injury claim information to setup Workers' Compensation exam for state employees.

Schedule Award Calculator

Calculate your Federal Workers' Compensation Schedule Award payment amount.

Step By Step: What to do

Step By Step: What to do

The Legal Side of OWCP

This Resource Outlines the Rules that govern OWCP's functions under FECA

Ellis Clinic introduces; , a new webinar series centered around answers. These webinars will be held once each month and will usually take place on the second Friday at 11:00am CST. Doc Ellis, the world renown physician and leading authority on the medical and legal aspects of Federal Work Compensation & VA Disability will be answering your questions live and absolutely FREE.
Visit for more information.